February - Choral Evensong
Wimborne Minster
Morley Responses
Stanford in C
Ives Listen, sweet dove
Wimborne Minster
Morley Responses
Stanford in C
Ives Listen, sweet dove

February - Workshop
From Tallis to Toto
With Romsey Singers and visitors
Tallis If ye love me
arr. Jonathan Rathbone
Nine hundred miles
Swing low, sweet chariot
David Paich arr. Philip Lawson Rosanna
From Tallis to Toto
With Romsey Singers and visitors
Tallis If ye love me
arr. Jonathan Rathbone
Nine hundred miles
Swing low, sweet chariot
David Paich arr. Philip Lawson Rosanna
Concerts in April, May, July and September and the visit to Rochester Cathedral in October were cancelled because of Covid 19 restrictions.

December - A Great & Mighty Wonder
Our Christmas concert went ahead despite Covid-19! It was quite the challenge, as rehearsals had to be conducted in two groups, and the rehearsals and the concert strictly adhering to socially distancing. Due to the rehearsal challenges, it was a paired down programme this year. The choir sang a variety of carols, with Keith Tomkinson offering a organ interlude during each section (in-between singing with the choir!).
Hail Blessed Virgin Mary – 17th century Italian carol arr. Charles Wood
Coventry Carol – 16th century carol arr. Martin Shaw
King Jesus hath a garden – Dutch traditional arr. Charles Wood
All my heart this night rejoices – Johann Georg Ebeling
In the bleak mid-winter – Gustav Holst
Gabriel’s message – Basque carol arr. David Willcocks
I saw a maiden – Basque carol arr. Edgar Pettman
Past three a clock – Traditional arr. Charles Wood
O little town of Bethlehem – H Walford Davies
Shepherds, in the field abiding – French traditional arr. David Willcocks
A great and mighty wonder – 14th century German melody arr. Richard Marlow
Deck the hall – Welsh traditional arr. Edgar Pettman and David Willcocks
Keith Tomkinson
In dulci jubilo – JS Bach
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme – JS Bach
First symphony for organ, Opus 14, final movement – Louis Vierne
Photo Gallery Christmas 2020